Deep blue secrets

According to a study published in Nature Geoscience, a team of scientists has found oxygen that is being released from mineral deposits 4,000 metres below the Pacific Ocean in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ). Ancient scientific discoveries and theories have taught us that oxygen solely comes from photosynthesis by plants. However, the recently unveiled fact has debunked such a notion.

A chemical reaction can produce oxygen through the splitting of water molecules. Being unearthed from the deep ocean, it has been called the ‘dark oxygen’.

Though scientists have stopped short of issuing a final word on the matter, further research is exploring the phenomenon. Practically, this discovery has unveiled various conduits to understand the origin of life; not just the human life, mind you.

In the future, if other sources of oxygen are discovered in addition to photosynthesis, it can be game-changing in altering the science’s perspective towards migrating to another planet or rehabilitating Earth into a more prosperous planet.



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