OIC-Arab league joint summi

The two-state solution is not being applied

Palestine in general and Gaza in particular was burning and being devastated by Israel since early October last year when it was attacked by Hamas. Israel has killed more than 44,000 Palestinians including women and children and continuously suspended all humanitarian assistance from anywhere for Palestinians and is mercilessly ignoring all judgements of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and UN Security Council for ending its aggression and killings of Patestinians and withdrawing from Gaza. In chasing the Hamas leadership and network, Israel has also extended its aggression to Lebanon, Syria and also to Iran.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Arab League held an extraordinary joint summit on Palestine recently in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Attending the Summit, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif not only reiterated Pakistan’s unstinted and unwavering support for Palestine and a two-state solution of the lingering and burning problem with Al-Quds Sharif (Jerulalem) as its capital.  based on the pre-1967 borders. but also called for swift action for bringing an end to the Isrelis’ con’tining genocide of Plestinians,, urged the  world’s help for accountability of unabated Israeli war  crimes, emphatically stating that Israel had become  emboldened by the world’s indifference and inaction.

There is an uncanny resemblance between the Palestine and Kashmir issues. Like  the Kashmiri people , who were suffering and struggling for their freedom  from illegal Indian occupation of their Jammu and Kashmir territory  since 1947, and the Palestinians who have also been denied  their right of self-determination

The PM said that the prevailing humanitarian crisis in Gaza was beyond any imagination, and quite regretfully pointed out that most sophisticated weapons were being continuously, being supplied to Israel by some counties, and that for over a year the occupied Palestinian territories, especially Gaza,. had fallen in endless darkness and despair with devastated homes, and with every passing day every moral code was being flagrantly violated by Israel.

He also pointedly stated that international humanitarian workers meant for protecting the vulnerable had been torn to shreds, humanity was being tested and failing, asking if it was any wonder then that after decades of suffering and oppression, the spirit of resistance remained unbridled. He also said the countries having diplomatic and trade ties with Israel must also take immediate measures to sever these relations until Israel ceased its continued violent action and adhered to the international norms.

The communique issued at the conclusion of the extraordinary OIC-Arab League Joint Summit called for an urgent international intervention in the Gaza situation, urging the countries to immediately halt supplying their arms to Israel and instead support a diplomatic initiative to halt the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza elsewhere. This was not merely a symbolic stand on the part of the countries represented in the Joint Summit but also a clarion call for taking concrete steps to rein in Israel’s policies and taking effective measures for ensuring the protection of the Palestinians right as strongly and quickly as possible.

PM Shehbaz Sharif appreciated the vision of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) in convening and hosting the extraordinary joint summit of OIC and Arab League over the burning Gaza situation.

While in Saudi Arabia, the PM also  held a meeting with Saudi  Investment Minister Engineer  Khalid bin Abdulziz Al-Falih and Advisor Royal Court Nohammad Al-Tuwaijri  on the sidelines of the  Summit as a follow-up  on the recent engagements  for economic ties between the  brotherly countries.He told them that good progress has been made over eight Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) signed during the two Investor and businessmen delegations to Pakistan during last couple of months.

It would have been an appreciable act on the part of the Prime Minister if he had also mentioned the decades-long killings and brutalities of the occupying Indian security forces in his address to the Summit as there were similarities between both the burning and lingering Kashmir and Palestine issues. Both Kashmir and Palestine issues are, most unfortunately and regretfully, victims of being ignored by the international community and the world body to say the least.

Briefly historically speaking it may be pointed out here that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was formed in 1969 over the Palestine issue. After the occupation of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War, there was an attempt to burn down the Masjid Al-Aqsa in August 1969 and a Summit was held over this situation within a month then in Rabat, Morocco.

The Arab League was even older as it was founded in 1945 by the seven Arab states just before the end of   World War Two. Both OIC and the Arab League somehow have not been so effective in helping the people of Gaza presently and on the whole proving effective and aggressive in resolving the long standing unresolved Palestine issue. There is no denying the bitter fact that   an unholy alliance has been developed between India and Israel viz-a viz the burning and lingering unresolved Kashmir and Palestine issues.

As stated above, there is an uncanny resemblance between the Palestine and Kashmir issues. Like the Kashmiri people, who were suffering and struggling for their freedom from illegal Indian occupation of their Jammu and Kashmir territory since 1947, and the Palestinians who have also been denied their right of self-determination.

Muhammad Zahid Rifat
Muhammad Zahid Rifat
The writer is Lahore-based Freelance Journalist, Columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News) , Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at [email protected]


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