Lack of accountability

The Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order 2009 had granted the so-called self-rule to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), establishing a de facto province-like status without following the constitutional requirements, and declaring it a part of Pakistan.

Earlier, Gen Ziaul Haq had constituted a special committee to determine the status of Northern Areas.

In one of the meetings, the resident commissioner expressed the ‘public desire’ to have the region attached with Punjab. A bureaucrat hailing from the Northern Areas, who was assisting the meeting as the committee secretary, confronted him.

He told the committee that not a single soul in the region wanted attachment to any province. Instead, the people wanted full constitutional rights. This was some four decades ago, mind you.

Infrastructure projects in the region have often been awarded to firms that have a history of bypassing approved plans and making changes that suit them rather than the people.

There have been instances when entire tunnels have been done away with. Yet, the administration has cleared the bills without asking where the funds and then tunnels had gone.

The entire country is suffering from lack of transparency and accountability. Sadly, the people of GB, without any constitutional protection and representation, cannot even ask about the lost funds, the missing tunnels and the broken promises.



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