Supporting just cause of Kashmir

Continuing moral, diplomatic and political support

Founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah  had defined the foreign policy of the new-born country and its relations with other countries in 1948  briefly as under:

“ Our Foreign Policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all nations of the world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. …… Pakistan will never be found lacking  in extending  material and moral support  to the oppressed and suppressed peoples’ of the world or in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter”.

In pursuance of these  guiding principles , Pakistan has been extending all along these years moral, diplomatic and political support to all oppressed and suppressed people around the world in general and in particular to  the struggling, suffering and bleeding Kashmiris on all their black days’ observance. 

Kashmir Solidarity Day was also yet again  observed on February 5 by the civil and military leadership. and the people of Pakistan as well as of Azad Jammu  and  Kashmir reiterated their continued moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris till they  secure freedom from India by exercising the right of self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

Addressing the special session of AJK Constituent Assembly in Muzaffarabad, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif  quite categorically stated that Kashmir will remain the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy and quite affirmatively reiterated unwavering moral, diplomatic and political support to Kashmiris until they get their right of self-determination.

Kashmiris are continuing their freedom struggle and Pakistan’s civil and military leadership as well as the people are also continuing extending their moral, political and diplomatic support unstintingly  at all levels as they believe Kashmiris struggle is just and without resolving the lingering Kashmir issue, the partition of the Indian Subcontinent  remains incomplete as Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan

The long unresolved  Kashmir dispute is a source of lingering conflict and tension between the neighbouring nuclear powers of India and Pakistan. It had originated when the people of Jammu and Kashmir were denied their fundamental right  of self-determination after the partition of the Indian sub-continent and the emergence of two sovereign independent states of Pakistan and India in August 1947.

The Valley’s Hindu Maharaja   had  acceded to India  through an improper  and illegal  Instrument  of Accession on 27 October 1947 and the same day India had airlifted  its forces in Srinagar and forcibly occupied  the Calley against the aspirations  of the Kashmiris.

Unhappy  over this rather ugliest development against their wishes, Kashmiris  started agitating  and launched an unarmed struggle for securing their birthright of self-determination and getting rid of Indian security forces .

On being approached by India in January 1948,  the UN Security Council through its successive resolutions  nullified  the Indian invasion  and called for settlement of the dispute  by giving the Kashmiris the right of self-determination so that they decide their future themselves through a UN-supervised plebiscite.  Despite the promises made  before the international community by the Indian leaders of giving the Kashmiris an opportunity to decide their future themselves, the plebiscite has not been held so far.

The Kashmiris’ struggle for unarmed freedom struggle from Indian shackles has been continuing indigenously for more than 75 years and it has been picking up tempo with every  passing day as the Indian security forces continue martyring the Kashmiris freedom movement leaders but also brutally gunning down unarmed Kashmiri men, women, youth and girls and children ruthlessly and mercilessly over the years under the draconian laws.

Kashmiris have all along been protesting and observing black days and resorting to  strikes   to keep reminding the international community in general and the UNO in particular about the bloodiest, ugliest and inhuman atrocities being committed on unarmed people  demanding their birthright of freedom.

On all such occasions of black days, strikes and protests, civil and military leadership as well as people of Pakistan have been voicing their unstinted support to their Kashmiri brethren and sisters , condemning the  Indian atrocities on the Kashmiris and reminding the international community of its obligation towards the suffering population of Indian occupied Kashmir to force India to implement the UN Security Council resolutions.

The massive lockdown in the form of curfew imposed throughout the occupied territory  on 5 August 2019 by Indian Government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an unprecedented manner had not dampened their high spirits in any manner. They were  determined to continue  their struggle till they achieved their cherished objective of freedom from Indian shackles.

Pakistan has all along been extending  full political, diplomatic and moral support  to the Kashmiris  in their just indigenous struggle  for securing their right of self-determination as enshrined in the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

The civil and military leadership of Pakistan is availing every opportunity of their contacts with foreign dignitaries within the country or abroad. They duly highlight the Kashmir issue in their interaction with foreign dignitaries,  urging them to play effective roles to pressurize the Indian Government to implement UN Security Council resolutions as the lingering unresolved Kashmir dispute is posing serious threats to peace and stability   of the region.

While the occupying Indian security forces are continuing their brutalities and atrocities, the determination on the part of the Kashmiri men, women and children  is gaining strength with every passing day to continue their struggle till they secure freedom by exercising their birth right of self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council  resolutions, flagrantly continuously being denied by India quite shamefully , no matter how much sacrifices they have to offer.

Kashmiris are continuing their freedom struggle and Pakistan’s civil and military leadership as well as the people are also continuing extending their moral, political and diplomatic support unstintingly  at all levels as they believe Kashmiris struggle is just and without resolving the lingering Kashmir issue, the partition of the Indian Subcontinent  remains incomplete as Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan.

Muhammad Zahid Rifat
Muhammad Zahid Rifat
The writer is Lahore-based Freelance Journalist, Columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News) , Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at [email protected]


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