The constitutionalisation of peace provisions are originally aimed at fostering a sense of harmony among the people, negating negative elements, erasing potential causes of disruption and consequently, bestowing an environment suitable for salubrity and inclusivity. Peace, in its definitional meaning, is the “freedom from disputes”, “truce from hostilities” and the “absence of mental stress”. Ask the dwellers of Northern Sindh nestled adjacent to the riverine region: do they have freedom from disputes, or truce from hostilities or have they enjoyed a moment sans mental stress? With sheer disappointment and utter anguish, the answer would be a flinching no!
Unsurprisingly, the absence of the ‘dove’ in the region is due to the illegal poaching by the affluent backed by the outlaws as well as the lawmen. That is, the presence of violence in some regions is due to nexuses of desperados, enforcers and the affluent. The structural flaws allow the violence to burgeon and block the peace from existing. The structural fault lines, resultantly, fuel the cultural and personal peace deterioration. The incumbent lawman, the administration and the moolah-whales denounce the district’s worsening law and order situation. The rest, in effect, grinds. A deafening silence echoes from the minds and hearts of many though, the administration’s sensory gating prevails at the end.
The structural flaws allow bandits to threaten for extortion, attempt to loot, kidnap for ransom, and in the process, create an incessant fear of ‘who will be the next’? Amid that, is cultural or personal peace possible? The structural peace trickles down to cultural and then personal peace: if the surrounding system is sound, all the cultural celebrations will be celebrated and, as a result, the personal peace will flourish. However, the incumbent system empowers the forces that repel peace and attract violence. With that, the cultural and personal peace decay to naught. The road for transformation is murky. And getting murkier by the day.
On the grounds of ‘violence empowering affluents’, the nonexistence of peace is inevitable. Peacefulness has no place on domains where dacoity earns veneration, loot marks men the real-men and where kidnapping-for-ransom is the paragon of manliness. Better call them Fredrick Nietzsche’s Übermensch (Superman). Extortion is a settled business, looting a part-time job, kidnapping-for-ransom is a growing means to moolah. All at play while the enforcers are just spectators. No room for peace loving people.
The criminals deserve national awards since all the activities are carried out with the help of technology, since they better use technology than the enforcers themselves. The technology, nexuses and facilitators make crime a normal quotidian job. Disheartening? That’s fate, courtesy nexuses.
Imagine living in a hellish environment with no right to speak about and if the marked boundaries are transcended, the repercussions, sure as shooting, will knock the door in the daylight. Really a hell. No? Forgot peace, there’s no respite. Though the potential solutions exist, the execution pays no heed. Change requires insatiable desire to change, mere claims of ‘change will happen’ is akin to smoke, seeable for seconds.
Changing the perspective that the district’s people are not illiterate, ill-mannered throngs is another way to progress on the rungs of peace. The people of this part of the world aren’t worlds apart, they’re treated as so. The enforcers aren’t in the weeds, they pretend to be so.
Peacefulness is a state of mind existing naturally. If disrupted, the law of the land facilitates and provides enforcers required tools to rejuvenate. However, otherwise has been the case. The structural fault lines push peace into the desert of despair. To regain the lost peacefulness, activating the execution role is the key. If the law of the land is followed, if enforcers realise their rightful duties, if moolah whales are sidelined to the constitutional domains, that will help land the people in the paradise of peace and the rejuvenation the cultural and personal peace, too, once and for all.
Protecting peace provisions, shielding the sanctity of peace and creating an environment free from violence is basic, Constitutional, and human right. Its absence will insinuate basic, Constitutional and human rights aren’t universal and are privileges available for a few. That’s been the case for a considerable period of time.
Once a piece of drop dead gorgeous land has turned into a source of jinxing. A place for ensnaring, eminent for extortion, sundered by the mutinous view, a slice of ruination. The extension of destruction can be imaged by the fact the citizens have profusely been begging for the obliteration of the virulent bandit raj for a lengthier period of time. Yet, no surefire campaign has been carried out for respite, instead dug in the heels to forestall the urgency.
Peacefulness can peacefully be achieved once it’s accepted the region is redeemable, corrigible and curable. How? Obliterating otherwise ineffable moolah-made suzerains’ unnecessary forestalling behaviours and empowering the locals through education and other means will really help peace prevail.
Changing the perspective that the district’s people are not illiterate, ill-mannered throngs is another way to progress on the rungs of peace. The people of this part of the world aren’t worlds apart, they’re treated as so. The enforcers aren’t in the weeds, they pretend to be so.