Clean drinking water supply begins in Gwadar

ISLAMABAD: In a major development, clean drinking water supply finally commenced in each and every household of the city of Gwadar through newly laid water pipeline network from the area of Kalanchi Para.

Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) DG Saif Ullah Khatran termed the development a great step to ensure safe drinking water. It will also resolve the water scarcity issue in Gwadar, he said.

A GDA official told Gwadar Pro that dwellers of Gwadar were compelled to drink polluted water due to mixing of sewerage water into ruptured drinking water supply lines connected to homes. GDA replaced old rusty and fractured water supply line network with 141 km long state-of-the-art highly-insulated water supply lines at the cost of Rs3.5 billion.

He added that Gwadar localities of Faqir Colony and Dhoor, etc. that have already been connected with water supply lines are all set to receive potable water during current week.

Promising progress was made after GDA laid down a 158 km long pipeline from the Shadi Kor and Swad dams to the city.

Meanwhile, GDA has built four underground storage tanks in different parts of Gwadar City with a collective storage capacity of 10 million gallons of water.

“Water reservoirs including Ankara Dam, Swad Dam, and Shadi Kaur Dam, in proximity of Gwadar, have been interconnected with one another in order to keep supply of potable water to Gwadar City,” GDA official said.

Shedding light on details, he said that around 67 km long water transmission pipeline from Swad Dam with a capacity to supply 5 Million Gallon Per Day (MGD) has been laid down at the cost of Rs3.8 billion, and Shadi Kaur Dam with a capacity of 2.5 MGD safe drinking water to Chaud Daggar costing Rs. 3.5 billion has been completed.

He revealed that Ankara Dam, built many years back with a capacity of 2.70 MGD has been interconnected with the two dams, which will ensure uninterrupted supply to Gwadar locals especially those residing in the old city.


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