Recipe for the development of Pakistan 

Currently, Pakistan has been undergoing a tough phase. Many problems of a severe nature have engulfed the entire nation. In light of that, the following recipe is suggested for the development of the country.

Education is a panacea to all our social, political, economic, and religious ills. If we have to succeed in the true sense of the word in the comity of the nations, then we have to give due importance to the aspect of education in our country. Quality education has to be ensured at the primary, secondary and higher levels. This would automatically widen our roads for development in other fields of life as well.

Economic stability is of vital importance for any country. In the case of Pakistan, every effort must be made to boost up both the agricultural and industrial sectors of our economy. Besides this, a due focus should also be given to bringing both local and foreign private investments into the country. This will boost up economic activity in the country.

The maintenance of law and order is of supreme significance to any government. We must bring down the rising incidents of terrorism, murder, theft, kidnappings for ransom, robbery, etc. in our country. This will provide a good sense of security to our citizens. This will also help in improving the overall international image of the country.

Unemployment has become cancer for our society. Many brilliant unemployed youths have fallen into many vices such as theft, robbery, drugs, etc. The incidents of commitment of suicides are also on the rise due to the same. It is, therefore, the need of the hour that maximum job opportunities should be created both in the public and the private sectors of the country so that our unemployed youths are able to get jobs there and become useful citizens of the country.

Poverty has become a great menace in our society. In order to reduce the same, the government ought to provide small loans (on soft conditionalities) to deserving poor families so that they can open up their businesses and earn livelihoods for their family members. Besides this, the departments of Zakat and Ushr and Bait-ul Mall must be made more effective and vibrant. Funds, out of these departments, should be provided to really deserving people.

Corruption, at any level, should be done away with forthwith. Exemplary punishment should be given to all those who are found involved in this evil without any discrimination. Both our legal and judicial systems have become rotten. There is a greater need to make these institutions cheap and quick for the common man. It has often been seen that one has to wait for years to get justice from courts of the country; especially the lower courts. Justice delayed is justice denied.

All the institutions of our country should be strengthened by bringing major surgery into them. Without reforming our institutions, all our efforts for improving our system will go in vain. The institutions and departments like judiciary, police, revenue, education, health, etc. need major overhauling to make them people-friendly.

The menace of terrorism has to be wiped out from our country once and for all if we have to make a progress in the true sense of the word. We have to exterminate all the forces of extremism and terrorism from our land if we have to see the return of peaceful and happy days both for our citizens and for the foreigners.

I hope the above recipe will help in attaining true development for our country.



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