Elevated expressway project accorded formal approval

LAHORE: On the direction of Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, the elevated expressway project has been accorded formal approval as the cabinet standing committee for finance and development has sanctioned Rs 60 billion along with the inclusion of the project in the annual development programme.

In this regard, the chief minister said that Prime Minister Imran Khan would soon lay the foundation stone of this project to be constructed from the main boulevard Gulberg to motorway M2 to ensure easy access to the motorway.

This modern road facility would reduce the traffic congestion on canal and Multan roads, he added.

In view of the growing population of Lahore, such public-friendly projects were imperative to accommodate
the rising number of road users, he maintained.

It would prove to be a game-changer initiative to reduce traffic pressure by up to 65 per cent on busy roads
of the provincial metropolis.

The past rulers started projects on personal likes and dislikes while ignoring the basic needs of the
Lahorites, the CM added.

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