Promoting Peace

In the present scenario, only intercultural communication can avoid the 3rd World War. Humans, being social animals cannot live alone. Globalization has linked all nations but the looming clouds of devastation, lust for power, and dream to rule the masses are ringing war alarms in this century. The Arab-Iran, Russia-Ukraine tussle and US-China rivalry are ringing alarm bell for war.

In this nuclear age, statesmen, iconic representatives and organisations should leap forward to avert the war crisis in the world. Everyone knows that if nuclear war occurs, humans can be wiped out.

Intercultural communications can be promoted by enhancing mutual tourism, opening borders and by stirring up “Art for Peace” initiatives. Broadcasting serials and films would help to build inter-faith harmony. Pakistan has done quite well to open the ‘Kartarpur’ corridor and won millions of hearts across the globe of Sikh pilgrims. Mitigating the fear of “Islamophobia” and eradicating ethnocentrism should be the top priorities of the world’s watchdogs that hinder them to be peaceful.



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