Reham Khan, the ex-wife of PTI Chairman Imran Khan, had a go at the PML-N on Twitter after the party major defeat in the Punjab by-polls, saying that the party might have been “cursed”.
“I’ve heard that Pervez Elahi imprecated curses on the PML-N,” Reham, who is a former journalist, quipped in a tweet after PTI bagged 15 out of the 20 constituencies up for grabs in the Punjab by-polls a day earlier.
The clear victory of PTI in the Punjab by-polls has turned around the number game in the Punjab Assembly, with Chaudhry Pervez Elahi now most likely to replace Hamza Shahbaz Sharif as the new chief minister of the province in the coming days.
Reham also said that the PML-N should determine whose fault the defeat was, simultaneously sharing that she thought the leadership is to blame.
“Is PML-N going to continue to follow their political gurus on media? Will they now see sense? I for one will not be holding my breath. Rank and file in PML-N assigned to find who messed it up […] errr I think it’s the leadership.”