KC-EU holds protest camp in Brussels

BRUSSELS: The Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) organized a protest camp on the occasion of Indian Republic Day in front of EU foreign ministry in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

Kashmiris, who have been suffering from Indian atrocities for the last seven decades, observe the Indian Republic Day falling on 26th January as Black Day every year.

The peaceful protest camp in Brussels was headed by Chairman of KC-EU Ali Raza Syed while the participants in the camp, holding placards, called for freedom of the Kashmiris from the Indian occupation.

Ali Raza Syed on the occasion said India claims to be the largest democracy of the world but it refuses the democratic rights of the people of Kashmir as atrocities against the people continue. He said, peace in Kashmir is connected to the whole region. If Kashmir is witness of peace, the whole region will be witness of peace and prosperity, he added.

“On the Indian Republic Day, we simply want to convey a message to the Indian government that there is no point in glorifying democracy if people are living in miseries under the might of the gun”, he said.

The KC-EU’s Chairman Ali Raza Syed urged India to stop brutalities against the Kashmiris and fulfill its promise of right to Self-determination to the people of Kashmir. He also called upon the International community to intervene to stop human rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and play its role for just settlement of the lingering Kashmir dispute.

He said, India is the so-called “biggest” democracy of the world but in reality, it’s not a democracy because it is ruthlessly suppressing the democratic rights of Kashmiris and continuously killing the innocent Kashmiri people as well.

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