Matric question paper leaked on WhatsApp in Lahore

LAHORE: Despite tall claims regarding the mechanism to prevent papers from getting leaked out, Lahore Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) has completely failed to maintain the confidentiality of question papers in the examination centers as the question papers were circulating on WhatsApp five minutes after the exams started, according to a on Thursday.

Papers being sent via WhatsApp have increased the menace of cheating and copying in the examination centers. The claims of monitoring the examination centers with CCTV cameras were also put to rest.

Due to the shortage of government teachers, the hiring of private staff was also started in hundreds of examination centers. On the other hand, the Controller of Examination Muhammad Irfan has denied any such occurrence and said that examination centers are being closely monitored to prevent the paper leakage.

He has ruled out any chance of paper leakage, claiming that all centers have stringent procedures in place and that mobile phones are not allowed in the examination centers.

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