Modi’s occupational policy failing in IIOJK badly: experts

LAHORE: Experts believe that Narendra Modi fascist regime’s suppressing and occupational policy was failing badly in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

They urged the international community to help implement the UNSC resolutions in IIOJK, by holding a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations to let Kashmiris decide their own future.

Cruelty knows no bounds, and after the men were gunned down, their bodies were not returned to their families, they condemned.
Violating all fundamental rights, India had imposed a military siege on some 10 million Kashmiris in the IIOJK, by converting the territory into the biggest jail on earth, where over one million Indian forces had been deployed with no regard for human rights, they lamented.

Since 1947, Article 370 had given Jammu and Kashmir a semi-autonomous constitutional status. But the Modi-led regime abrogated the special status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) on August 5, 2019 by repealing articles 370 and 35-A of the Indian constitution.

Former senator from Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Sehar Kamran (TI), told APP that the latest controversy had been reported by the international media that extrajudicial killings of a number of innocent Kashmiris had become a routine in Kulgam area of the occupied territory.

The Indian occupational forces’ state terrorism, war crimes, and human rights violations had made life a nightmare for over one million oppressed Kashmiris, especially women, senior citizens, and children in IIOJK, she regretted.

Moreover, the Indian forces were using molestation, rape and sexual violence against women and children as a weapon of war, besides giving collective punishment, in a bid to suppress the legitimate freedom movement in the occupied valley,” she informed.

Kashmiris have been telling the world for decades that India intended to settle paramilitary families in the held Kashmir and establish military settlements there. Narendra Modi government was all out to set up semi-military permanent colonies in help Kashmir, Ms. Kamran said while replying to a query.

Instead of implementing the UNSC resolutions, India was trying to muzzle the voice of Kashmiri people through the use of force and by perpetuating an illegal occupation, which had increased brutality and oppression after August 5, 2019, she added. Kashmir has been a burning issue since the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947.

Pakistan and India have fought three wars over Kashmir in 1948, 1965, and 1999, but have been unable to settle the dispute, she recalled.

Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik’s wife Mushaal Hussein Mullick told APP that the RSS-inspired Hindutva ideology was being pursued by the BJP-led Modi government, which was a major threat to ‘foreign investment’ in India.

Amid the Indian government’s move to seek a death sentence for incarcerated Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, Mushaal Mullick said that the entire world would react if any harm came to her husband.

She said the Indian government was trying to commit a ‘judicial murder’ of her husband and warned that such a move will trigger a reaction from across the world.

Mushaal Mullick said that fascist Modi and the Indian Army were turning Kashmiris into a minority in the valley by issuing domiciles to Indian citizens. In Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. over 100,000 Kashmiris had been killed by Indian forces since 1989, while more than 7,200 people were murdered in custodial torture by the Indian army.

Replying to a query, she criticised India’s imperialistic and fascist approach to suppress every genuine and legitimate demand of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The Modi-led BJP government had imposed a lockdown in occupied Kashmir, allowing Indian forces to perpetrate unspeakable crimes against the masses, with complete impunity.

Vice Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Ghulam Ahmed Gulzar said that Narendra Modi-led Indian government had turned illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir into a gigantic prison ahead of the Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra in the name of security for the yateers, Kashmir Media Service in its report on Saturday said.
According to the KMS report, Gulzar said that the deployment of an additional 60,000 troops would further increase the miseries of the oppressed Kashmiris, who were under constant siege, since 5 August 2019. He said the Kashmiris were not against the Yatra, but deployment of more and more forces’ and extension in the duration of the pilgrimage was disastrous for the already fragile environment of IIOJK.

“In addition to that, the large inflow of people would also result in environmental pollution and melting of glaciers, which might result in scarcity of water resources and drought,” he added.

A prominent Kashmiri advocacy group has announced that Kashmiris and their supporters would stage a protest rally near the White House on June 22 when the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, will arrive there for a meeting with the US President, Joe Biden, in Washington, amid India’s escalating atrocities in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Secretary-General of the World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF) Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, in his recent statement, said he was getting immense response from the community members as well as expressions of support from several other organisations in the effort to highlight India’s brutal atrocities and suppression of the oppressed Kashmiri people.

On the other hand, the US human rights groups have announced holding similar protests against Modi’s US visit over the deteriorating and worst human rights situation in IIOJK, various media reports revealed.

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