Overseas Pakistanis urged to prioritise ‘state interest over political affiliations’

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazeer Tarar stressed the importance of “prioritising state interests over political affiliations” during a gathering with Pakistani community leaders and dignitaries at the embassy in Washington.

Accompanied by Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States, Masood Khan, and local community leader Sajid Tarar, the minister expressed concern over attempts by “self-interested elements” to divide the overseas community and distance them from their homeland.

Addressing rumours of a supposed “list” to prosecute overseas Pakistanis supportive of former prime minister Imran Khan, Tarar firmly denied its existence and assured the gathering that no such action was planned.

He reiterated that overseas Pakistanis were a valuable asset to the nation and that it was the shared responsibility of all to uphold the dignity of Pakistan.

Regarding the violent protests that followed Khan’s arrest on May 9, Tarar emphasized the need to differentiate between “political struggle” and “acts of sedition and anti-nationalism.”

He asserted that no civilised society could tolerate attacks on its institutions and martyrs, highlighting the government’s commitment to taking legal action to prevent similar incidents in the future.

However, Tarar cautioned against falling victim to baseless propaganda and advised overseas Pakistanis to verify information through relevant embassies and government institutions to thwart the intentions of those involved in spreading misinformation.

In response to suggestions for increased participation of overseas Pakistanis in the political process, the law minister acknowledged their right to full engagement but cautioned against hasty and thoughtless actions.

Tarar emphasized the need for careful consideration and a consensus among all political forces regarding proposals for voting rights and representation of overseas Pakistanis to ensure an effective and beneficial strategy.

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