Turkish activist launches song depicting voices for Kashmiri freedom struggle

ISTANBUL: The corridors of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University reverberated with emotions as the poignant melody of “Jails of Kashmir” filled the air.

Jointly launched by the senior leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement (JKSM), the soul-stirring song penned by Turkish lyricist and author Turgay Evren marked four years since the illegal and unconstitutional annexation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) state by the Indian government.

Amidst a charged atmosphere, the heartfelt song served as a moving tribute to the incarcerated leaders of Kashmir, who have been steadfast in their pursuit of freedom. The song’s bilingual rendition in English and Turkish showcased the universality of the Kashmiri struggle, resonating with a global audience.

The gathering witnessed the presence of prominent figures, including Prof Sami Al-Arian, Abdur Rasheed Turabi, Mahmood Ahmed Sagar, Dr Mubeen Shah, Faheem Kayani, and Turgay Evren, who came together to lend their unwavering support to the Kashmir Freedom Movement.

The event was further graced by the attendance of esteemed human rights activist Mejbel Al-Sharika from Kuwait, along with an assembly of enthusiastic students and attentive journalists.

The song’s emotional verses paid tribute to the illustrious leaders of the Hurriyat movement, who have faced unjust imprisonment in their struggle for justice and self-determination. The names of Yasin Malik, Shabbir Shah, Asiya Andrabi, Masarrat Alam Bhat, Zafar Akbar Bhat, Dr Abdul Hameed Fayyaz, Naeem Ahmed Khan, and others were memorialised, ensuring that their sacrifice remains etched in the collective memory of those fighting for the cause.

Altaf Ahmed Bhat, senior APHC leader, and JKSM Chairman, expressed profound appreciation for Turgay Evren’s ability to artfully convey the plight of oppressed Kashmiri prisoners through the song. He believed that the emotional resonance of “Jails of Kashmir” would transcend borders and awaken the world’s collective conscience, garnering international solidarity for the Kashmiri people’s struggle.

Bhat further envisioned a future where the people of Kashmir and their Turkish brethren would celebrate the Independence Day of Kashmir together in the iconic Lal Chowk of Srinagar. Such a dream symbolises the unity of nations in their quest for freedom and justice.

The event highlighted the unwavering support extended by the government and people of Turkey to the cause of oppressed Kashmiris. The solidarity exhibited in times of adversity has earned Turkey a special place in the hearts of Kashmiris, who consider it a beacon of hope and a champion of their aspirations for freedom.

As the last notes of “Jails of Kashmir” faded away, a resolute alliance of voices emerged, unified in their commitment to stand with the Kashmiri people. The song’s message of hope, courage, and determination echoed through the hearts of all present, reaffirming the international support that stands firmly with the Kashmiri Freedom Movement.


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