Energy drinks

In the fast-paced world we live in, energy drinks have become a popular choice for many seeking a quick boost. However, it’s crucial to understand the risks associat­ed with these seemingly innocent beverages, primarily due to their high caffeine content. Caffeine, the primary ingredient in energy drinks, can be perilous when con­sumed in excessive amounts, ex­ceeding 400mg daily.

Overindulgence in energy drinks can lead to a myriad of health is­sues, ranging from cardiovascular problems to neurological, psycho­logical, and metabolic disturbanc­es. Disturbingly, it can even disrupt sleep patterns and, in extreme cas­es, prove fatal. A tragic incident re­cently made headlines, under­scoring the severity of this issue: a 22-year-old man lost his life due to the overconsumption of an en­ergy drink, which wreaked havoc on his urinary system.

It is concerning to note that a sig­nificant demographic falling prey to this trend is medical students. The pressure of exams often drives them to overconsume energy drinks, er­roneously believing they enhance their focus and stamina while re­ducing the need for sleep. This mis­conception not only jeopardises their well-being but also sets a dan­gerous precedent for others.

In light of these alarming facts, we implore the authorities to launch comprehensive campaigns, educating people about the poten­tial hazards these drinks pose to their health and well-being.



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