Underpaid teaching faculty

It is evident from various facts that the standard of education is rapidly declining in our educa­tion sector due to a myriad of chal­lenges and a plethora of reasons. It is also evident from existing prec­edents that students, parents, and even teachers are dissatisfied with the quality of education in the country. Every stakeholder detects issues in the process, but nobody wants or even intends to address the problem for various reasons.

Teaching, generally known as one of the most revered professions in the country, lacks an ample amount of the requisite funds and para­phernalia essential for this profes­sion. Most often, this profession is chosen by educated youth when they fail to find suitable jobs in var­ious sectors. They are compelled to embrace this profession to support their families.

It is a sad reality that most in­dividuals do not willingly choose this profession out of passion but rather out of necessity to avoid fi­nancial hardship. Additionally, this profession lacks guidance and mentorship, as it is not considered an ideal profession in our society.

After receiving an education for more than sixteen years, candidates are offered meagre salaries ranging from ten to twenty thousand per month, which is barely enough for survival. The gruelling working en­vironment spanning more than sev­en to eight hours, six days a week, further burdens those in this pro­fession. The excessive workload at the workplace also tarnishes the sanctity of this noble profession.

It is absurd that many individu­als resort to corrupt practices pri­marily due to a lack of financial op­portunities. In contemporary life, being inadequately paid is seen as a crime. If individuals cannot pro­vide for their families, they strug­gle to maintain their integrity.

Lack of infrastructure is another impediment in our education sector. Even in the government sector, basic amenities like clean drinking water, electricity, and appropriate furni­ture are often unavailable in schools. This allows some “ghost schools” and staff to operate with impunity, serving the interests of the affluent.

For a nation with dreams of be­coming one of the world’s great­est nations, it is disheartening that only 1.5% of the total GDP is allocated to the education sec­tor. More than 27 million children are estimated to be out of school at their school-going age, leading to a bleak future for them.



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