Abrar Ul Haq, renowned as the Bhangra King of music, recently found himself at the center of controversy after revealing that he turned down a film offer featuring Katrina Kaif due to contractual restrictions on freedom of speech. Mishi Khan, known for her candid remarks, expressed disapproval of Abrar’s decision, sparking a heated exchange.
The actress took to her Instagram and said that Abrar ul Haq’s statement about turning down a film with Katrina Kaif is ‘hilarious’. She went on to state that ‘some statements are so hilarious that it’s mandatory to say something’.
Responding to Mishi’s criticism, Abrar stood firm on his principles, affirming that he declined the film offer and has consistently rejected numerous concert offers from India over the years. He emphasized that he prioritizes his values and refuses to compromise them for fame or recognition.