Man behind viral dress that broke internet admits he strangled wife

The creator of the viral white/gold-blue/black dress that captured global attention has confessed to a violent assault on his wife, admitting to strangulation.

Keir Johnston, 38, stood before the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday, where he acknowledged committing a harrowing assault on his wife, Grace Johnston. This attack left her in a state of terror, though she survived, according to The Daily Record.

Originally from the Isle of Colonsay, off Scotland’s west coast, Johnston has been detained until his sentencing, set for June 6.

Johnston first gained international fame for “#TheDress” when a photo of his mother-in-law’s dress at his 2015 wedding went viral after being posted by a guest.

The discussion surrounding the dress’s actual colors – whether black and blue or white and gold – dominated the internet, making headlines and sparking widespread debate, including among celebrities. Kim Kardashian tweeted about her disagreement on the dress’s colors with her then-husband, Kanye West.

The Johnstons were also featured on Ellen DeGeneres’ show, where they received $10,000 and a trip to Grenada.

In court this week, it was revealed that Johnston’s public persona concealed a private life marked by domestic violence, instilling a profound fear in his wife.

Crown prosecutor Chris Macintosh detailed to Lady Drummond and the court how Grace felt isolated and trapped due to the lack of permanent police presence on their island, as reported by The Record.

The court also learned of an incident where Ms. Johnston defied her husband’s directive not to go for a job interview on the mainland. Following this, during a confrontation, Johnston physically assaulted her and pinned her down.

“Johnston decided to leave her. When she attempted to prevent him from leaving, he aggressively restrained her on the ground,” Mr. Macintosh narrated, according to The Record.

“He immobilized her by kneeling on her arms and began to strangle her with his hands.

“Although she initially managed to scream, her fear escalated as she felt her life was in grave danger due to Johnston’s forceful actions,” continued Mr. Macintosh, noting that despite severe bruising, Ms. Johnston did not seek medical attention.

Johnston’s defense acknowledged his responsibility for the assault. However, Lady Drummond refused bail and ordered his custody, emphasizing the severity and violence of his actions.

“You not only strangled her repeatedly but also inflicted injuries and endangered her life in what were undoubtedly terrifying moments for her. Mr. Johnston, you are now convicted of a grave offense and will remain in custody,” she stated.

The current status of the Johnstons’ marriage post-incident remains unknown.


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