KP Cabinet gives thumbs up for judicial probe into May 9 events

  • Approval comes following a resolution passed by KP Assembly for judicial commission on May 9 episode
  • Resolution demands withdrawal of cases against Imran, his wife, release of CCTV footage of incidents

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government decided to establish a judicial commission to investigate the May 9 incidents after the provincial cabinet approved a resolution passed the Provincial Assembly.

KP Law Minister Aftab Alam said that the provincial cabinet has approved the establishment the formation a judicial commission to investigate the May 9 incidents.

The cabinet meeting was held under the chairmanship of KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, in which the formation of a judicial commission on May 9 incidents was approved.

According to the KP Cabinet, the role of those who masterminded and executed May 9 incidents will be exposed through the judicial inquiry.

According to the provincial law minister, a summary has been prepared on the May 9 incident to events surrounding the regime change.

Now, the Peshawar High Court (PHC) will be requested to form a judicial commission after the cabinet approval of the summary, the minister added.

According to the KP government, the summary included the matters related to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders and workers’ arrest and harassment along with May 9 related incidents.

The summary also included matters about barring the PTI from its electoral symbol ‘bat’ in the general election and caretaker setup to remain in the government for more than the legal condition of 90 days.

The KP government has also added the Form-45 and Form-47 issues in the summary.

Earlier, the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government (KP) passed a resolution to establish a judicial commission to investigate the incidents of May 9, which was later presented to the provincial cabinet for approval.

The lawmakers, through resolution, demanded the withdrawal of cases against former prime minister Imran Khan and his spouse Bushra Bibi.

Additionally, the summary for the judicial inquiry also calls for the release of CCTV footage related to the events to the public.

KP Cabinet lifts ban from recruitment

Meanwhile, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government lifted the ban from all types of recruitment in the province.

On the instructions of Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur, the ban on recruitment in the province has been lifted.

It is stated in the post that the Chief Minister has issued orders to remove the ban from recruitment.


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