PTI spokesperson slams JIT’s verdict against Qureshi as political revenge

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) spokesperson on Thursday vehemently denounced the Joint Investigation Team’s (JIT) decision declaring the party vice chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi guilty in seven cases, including terrorism and the May 9 riots, saying that he was being punished for standing with PTI Founding Chairman Imran Khan and his agenda of Haqeeqi Azadi.

The PTI spokesperson called the JIT as a facilitator of law and justice’s murder and said that Qureshi, like Imran Khan, was being subjected to the worst political revenge, state oppression and fascism.

He said that the entire administrative machinery, especially the police and bureaucracy, was being used to target Imran Khan and his associates with naked injustice and clear bias.

He went on to say that these false, fabricated, baseless, and absurd cases are not only targeting political workers and leaders but also strangling the entire justice system.

He stated that the entire administrative machinery, especially the police and the prosecution, were misguiding the courts by piling up misleading and false evidence at the behest of the lawbreaker intruders, who were targeting the critics of the regime for revenge.

PTI Spokesperson vowed that they would bow down to the cruelty and oppression come what may and would fight the jungle rule on every field and every front.

However, he urged the court to take notice of the jungle raj and its puppet civil administration’s criminal plans to ensure establishment of justice by restoring the constitution and the law.


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