Chinese premier emphasizes trade, BRI cooperation with Peruvian president

BEIJING: Chinese Premier Li Qiang called for expanding trade and deepen cooperation between China and Peru, in talks with Peruvian President Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra in Beijing on Friday.

Li said China attaches great importance to relations with Peru, and China is willing to work with Peru to carry forward the traditional friendship, deepen cooperation, push the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level and bring more benefits to the two peoples.

China also stands ready to further strengthen exchanges and dialogue with Peru at all levels, and continue to understand and support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns, Li said.

Li called on the two sides to strengthen the synergy of development strategies, continue to expand trade and deepen cooperation in traditional areas such as mining, electricity, ports and infrastructure, under the guidance of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

Li also called for expanding cooperation in emerging areas such as new energy, communications, digital economy, digital healthcare and artificial intelligence to ensure the steady implementation of major projects, and continue to deepen people-to-people and cultural cooperation while promoting friendship between the two countries.

China supports Peru in hosting this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting, Li said, adding China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with Peru in multilateral mechanisms such as the UN and APEC to make positive contributions to maintaining world peace and development, safeguarding the common interests of developing countries, and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Hailing the friendship between the two peoples, Boluarte said the investment and cooperation of Chinese enterprises has effectively promoted Peru’s economic and social development.

Peru actively participates in Belt and Road cooperation, welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in Peru, and is willing to further expand practical cooperation with China in infrastructure construction, new energy, green development, education and other fields, Boluarte said, adding that the Peruvian government is willing to provide a favorable environment for this.

Boluarte noted that Peru abides by the one-China principle, supports the Global Security Initiative and is willing to strengthen multilateral cooperation with China to jointly promote world peace and development.


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