PTI demands immediate release of Imran in light of UN Group’s recommendations

  • UN SG endorses Working Group’s demands for Khan’s release: PTI Spokesperson
  • Says mandate usurpers hurt country’s image globally by keeping PTI Founder in jail

ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) demanded the immediate and unconditionally release of PTI Founding Chairman Imran Khan from unlawful detention in the light of the recommendations of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

PTI Spokesperson stated that the UN Secretary-General also completely endorsed the Working Group’s demands for the instant release of Imran Khan.

He stressed that PTI Chairman-for-life should be fully compensated in light of the UN Working Group’s recommendations, as it declared that the motives behind his illegal arrest were completely and purely political aimed at keeping him out of the electoral race.

PTI Spokesperson went on to say that Imran Khan was arrested without any legal justification in the cipher and Toshakhana cases, which was clearly reflective from every voice being raised from around the world.

He pleaded that the mandate thieves fraudulently imposed on the nation were hell-bent on damaging and spoiling Pakistan’s relations with the world just to keep Imran Khan in prison.

PTI Spokesperson warned that the incumbent government devoid of public mandate was compounding difficulties for the country at international level due to its failure to take the UN Working Group’s recommendations seriously.

He highlighted that all 203 cases framed against Imran Khan were false, frivolous, concocted and politically motivated that was the reason he had been honorably acquitted in dozens of such bogus cases, as even the unconstitutional sentences handed down in the politically-motivated fake Toshakhana and cipher cases had also been suspended by the courts.

PTI Spokesperson recalled that earlier, over 97 percent of the members of the US House of Representatives had passed a very important and extraordinary resolution against the grievous and very serious violations of human rights, political revenge, rampant lawlessness and the worst elections theft in Pakistan.

He said that the non-elected government and mandate usurpers would be responsible for any further damage to the country’s reputation and dignity at the international level caused by keeping Khan in unjust imprisonment for their personal interests.


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