Exploited and forgotten

Against the official minimum monthly wage of a working person, security guards get paid only around 50 per cent and that, too, for a 12-hour shift. Overtime, transportation allowance and food are the stuff of dreams for them. How can they support their families with this meagre salary, especially when indirect taxes are imposed on even essential commodities?

Just imagine the physical, mental and financial condition of a security guard who is expected to risk his life for peanuts. If this is not a case of blatant exploitation, what is? The situation cannot be justified by anything.

Despite being financially exploited, the guards continue to risk their lives because they think their circumstances do not allow them to be adventurous. And when one of them ends up losing his life during action against criminals, nothing happens. Life moves on. Even in high-profile cases when a certain amount is announced for the bereaved family, matters often do not move beyond such announcements.

Unfortunately, family members keep running around to have the ‘compensation’ money released, but they have to grease many a palm till they get their ‘share’ of the designated amount.

Is there anyone anywhere in the chain of command who may even attempt to streamline the activities of these companies?



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