Registration of madressahs

An issue that can weaken the government, even bring it down

JUI(F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman is apparently adamant on the Societies Registration (Amendment) Act. The Act would revert registration of the madressahs from the Education Ministry’s Religious Education Directorate to the DC as they were until 2017. As it is a matter involving tens of thousands of madressahs, both large and small, it affects what he considers his core constituency, the ulema of the Deobandi school of thought. However, though the Maulana is making this a signature issue, there are four other Wifaqul Madaris which do not accept his leadership. One each from the Brelvi and Ahle Hadith schools of thought, one from the Shia sect, and one from the madressahs controlled by the Jamaat Islami. Since 2019, 10 new boards have been established, where previously it was not really possible. The changes were made necessary as part of the National Action Plan formulated after the 2014 Army Public School Peshawar massacre.

The present reversal of the reform requirement was part of the price exacted from the government by the Maulana for his party’s votes for the 26th Amendment. The amendment was passed by Parliament, but has been sent back for reconsideration by the President. It requires passage gain, which the Maulana is demanding. The government lined up religious scholars at a conference which passed a resolution in favour of the Act, and demanded retention of the status quo. Matters seem to be moving towards the sort of confrontation the government wishes to avoid. Further, though the Maulana is in opposition, he enjoys a good relationship with PPP chief Bilawal Zardari- Bhutto. Though it is Mr Bhutto Zardari’s father who has refused assent, .If the Mulana can persuade him, if the PPP was to withdraw support from the government, it would fall.

The Maulana has thrown broad hints that the bill is not being passed because the establishment does not want it. The fact is, the madressahs do not want to bear the expenses entailed by curriculum reform, in which they would be obliged to introduce new subjects, and pay teachers for them. It should be realized that this is an existential issue for the Ulema, and by extension for the Maulana. At the same time, there is a ray of hope. The Maulana has shown time and again that he is amenable to reason. The government should engage him rather than try to ride over him roughshod.

The Editorial Department of Pakistan Today can be contacted at: [email protected].


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