ATTOCK: Mehr Bano Qureshi, the leader of PTI and daughter of former Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, hit back at Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif following her recent statement at the launch of the “Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif Livestock Card.”
During the event, Maryam Nawaz commented on the condition of some humans, likening them to animals affected by foot-and-mouth disease, and accused her political opponents of speaking nothing but swearing.
In response, Mehr Bano Qureshi questioned Maryam Nawaz’s credibility, sarcastically suggesting that since she claims to have a cure for animals, she might also have a remedy for low platelets, a condition she implied Maryam herself might be suffering from.
Qureshi further criticized Maryam Nawaz, asserting that the treatment Maryam refers to is nothing more than fascism and a stranglehold on the law.
“Maryam Nawaz is sitting on a fake mandate, yet she continues to threaten political parties,” Mehr Bano Qureshi stated.
She went on to emphasize that the only true cure needed in Pakistan is justice—justice for the mandate as well as for those who have been illegally imprisoned.
According to Qureshi, political revenge, non-transparency, and election fraud are becoming normalized in Pakistan, and if this trend continues, every future election could be marred by fraud.
This exchange highlights the growing tensions between political figures in Pakistan as the country continues to grapple with issues of governance, transparency, and electoral integrity.